When the session ends, we do not rest, we are working hard on legislative surveys and scorecards to make sure that you have the information you need to make a good decision on who to vote for on election day. The off-season is also when we travel the state conducting activist schools to give you the best training to be the most effective in pressuring legislators and understanding the legislative process.
The Republican Liberty Caucus of Florida Legislator Scorecard
The Republican Liberty Caucus of Florida believes in educating the voters of Florida on the legislative process and we feel it is important that you know how legislators voted on key issues of liberty. We put together a cross-section of legislation to provide you the most comprehensive look into how you were represented in Tallahassee. This will allow you to hold your representative accountable.

The Republican Liberty Caucus of Florida
Candidate Survey
The Republican Liberty Caucus of Florida sends surveys to candidates running for the state legislature, Governor, and Cabinet. Find out where candidates stand on issues of liberty.

Constituent contacts are the most effective in influencing legislators, and by building local coordinators we can have an army of liberty activists in every state House and Senate district and that constituent influence will be extremely effective in driving public policy in Tallahassee. We will develop a database of our members and include in their profile their District state Senator and District state Representative. When an important committee vote will take place, each legislators constituent will be notified to take action with phone calls and e-mails.