Fighting for Liberty – Together We Are Stronger
Get Involved!

Become a Member
Your Republican Liberty Caucus membership is critical to our efforts to restore liberty in Tallahassee and local communities. We provide our members with all the tools they need to effectively defend liberty.
Become a District Constituent Coordinator
Constituent contacts are the most effective in influencing legislators, and by building local coordinators we can have an army of liberty activists in every state House and Senate district and that constituent influence will be extremely effective in driving public policy in Tallahassee.
Plan and Organize Events
The Republican Liberty Caucus of Florida conducts training seminars throughout the year and you can contact us to schedule one for your group. Our most popular seminars include:
How to influence public policy.
Understanding the legislative process
Review of Current Legislation in TallahasseeCall and E-mail Legislators
Grassroots communications are vital in educating legislators to the concerns of the voting population in their state. If you do not share your views with your representative, then your views will not be considered by your state representative when he votes on an issue which affects you. You can make a difference by simply writing, calling, meeting, or faxing your representative!
Attend Lobby Days in Tallahassee
Because face to face interaction is the most effective in lobbying, legislators are flooded with lobbyist visits. Being in Tallahassee during the pre-session hearings and the actual legislative session gives us that face to face advantage. It comes down to numbers game when a group of concerned citizens takes time to travel to Tallahassee makes an impact on how legislators will vote.